Perundangan / Law

  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb.8281

    Ketua Unit Perundangan
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb. 8205

    Penasihat Undang-undang
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb. 8202

    Penguasa Penjara
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb.8401

    Inspektor Penjara
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb.8025

    Setiausaha Pejabat
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb. 8401

    Pembantu Tadbir (P/O)
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb. 8999

    Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) (MySTEP)
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb. 8165

    Pembantu Tadbir (P/O)
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  • Phone: 03-87328000 samb. 8401

    Wadar Penjara
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